Why Do Business With Japan
Our management consulting services focus on our clients' most critical issues and opportunities with Japan: strategy, marketing, organization, operations, food, agriculture, digital, advanced analytics, corporate finance and sustainability across all industries and geographies.
Perceptions of Japan have been transformed in the past ten years. Its economy is on the longest growth streak in more than a decade, stock prices are at highs not seen since the early 1990s and its unemployment rate is now 2.6% (May 2022).With a GDP of around 5 Trillion USD and one of the world’s highest per capita incomes, the strength of the Japanese economy is exceptional. A strong economy coupled with a low fluctuating currency will provide potential investors with stability and confidence. The excellent infrastructure and developed industry means that all the necessary framework is already available for businesses.
Japan generally runs an annual trade surplus and has a considerable net international investment surplus. Japan has the third-largest financial assets in the world, valued at $12 trillion, or 8.6% of the global GDP total as of 2020.
It is the economically strong country, as a well-educated, industrious workforce and its large, affluent population makes it one of the world's biggest consumer markets. Espcially, the food and beverage industry is complex and evolving. The combined food retail and food service market is significant in size, with value approaching $600 billion.
Japan is highly dependent on imports for its food supply, and current trends in the food and beverage market—such as a more Westernized diet and the increasing popularity of health foods and rising incomes—pose opportunities for U.S. companies. The country's food imports far exceed its exports—more than 10 times greater in 2014. Over the past few years, imports have risen and exports have fallen, with the top three imports being fish, meat and cereals. The country's self-sufficiency in food was 39% in 2015, and the government has set a goal of rising this number to 45% by 2025.